If you work for a college or university, you might be wondering how to recruit, market and sustain your brand in this strange, new-normal world.
I believe data analytics is the fuel for your campfire story, the best way to light up your brand. If the thought of doing data analytics on top of your already heavy workload puts you in a panic, relax. Data can actually help you do your job.
During my recent EDgage Live presentation, “Using Data to Rebuild Your Brand” at EDgage Live, I explained some simple, practical techniques to gather data through student surveys, giving away a professional secret – a survey format that does the analysis for you.
With these tools, you can use data to ease your workload, be more strategic, discover your “secret sauce”, and evaluate your results. Data tells the truth about where your institute is right now, and where you need to go. It is your partner to create great, fact-based marketing.